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What Goes Around... (PG-13)

descriptionCompleteWhat Goes Around... (PG-13)

Peter witnessed with his own eyes as Lakai stabbed Loika at the dance club. It was the last straw for Peter, he took a lot of shit from her and he didn't mind because it was all words, something he could deal with. But stabbing Loika would not pass with Peter and he could not just deal with it. He knew there was something wrong with her, but he could never imagine, Lakai would try and kill her sister. Blood and flesh. She might have been slightly psychotic then Ackerman, but both should have been locked up in a same room with patted walls.

Peter decided to pay Lakai a visit. The visit might have involved someone dead, but it sure as hell wasn't going to be Peter, he was on a mission from god. He had to destroy Lakai. He hated anyone else suffering because of that crazy biyatch.

Peter stole Logan's bike, because the keys were already in ignition and he couldn't wait for the car it would take forever, no wonder that sicko was already planning on skipping the town or maybe even a state or country. Peter drove down the highway, swerving Logan's bike left and right. A

Once he arrived at the Brotherhood mansion, Peter got of the bike and ran toward the door. No knock, no door bell...just plain, ol' kick into the door did the trick. The door busted open and Peter stood at the front, looking around. "LAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIII!!!!!!!!" he yelled with anger exploding in the room. "I HAVE COME TO COLLECT YOUR DUES!!!!!"

Last edited by Peter Jackson on Thu May 23, 2013 9:42 am; edited 2 times in total

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Lakai watched him from a tree. She hadnt been staying with the brotherhood for some time. She had been staying away from pretty much anyone unless she had an issue. She was high up in the branches like a predator watching prey. Her clothes were different again but Loika's blood was still on her face, chest, and hands. She yawned boredly and cocked her head to the side. " You lookin for me pretty boy!" She called down from the tree.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Peter looked up at where the voice was coming from. He was so angry that he could probably take down the entire tree. She was still as cocky as before, hopefully the death will come to her quick and painfully. Peter had knife in his back pocket, which he intended to use on Lakai as she will feel the pain he has felt when she stabbed Loika. "Come down so that I can kick your ass fast. I don't want to have to waste too much time on killing you."

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" You always were one for dramatics. We both know my sister is perfectly fine. You are just mad i ruined a chance for you to get laid. poor baby." She laid on her back on one of the branches and stretched like a cat. She was quite obviously toying with him. She had no intention of actually fighting Peter. Maybe rough him up a bit to upset Loika but she wouldnt let him get off so easily by escaping this painful life with death.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Peter was not in a mood for jokes, and he knew exactly what he was going to do. He teleported onto the tree. Right next to Lakai and immediately seized her by the throat. He leaned closer to her ear, "You have no goddamn idea as to what I can do to you right now. But seeing how M.R.D already did a number on you, I just going to be nice and let you. But if you ever come near Loika again, I...will...kill you." he whispered into her ear. "I don't care if you are her sister or Shikon's girlfriend...I won't hesitate to end your life."

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Lakai barely flinched when Peter grabbed her. She almost hoped he would do it. Her eyes widened when he said MRD. A few memories trickled into her brain and she batted his hand away. She snarled and crouched on all fours like a wild animal on the branch. She backed away a few feet. " WHAT do you know about what happened! You helped them. You ratted me out! Get away! Admit it, you want me dead. You never liked me. Sorry i wasnt my precious sister!" She turned tail and started to run through the branches.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Peter wasn't afraid of dying or getting hurt anymore. All he wanted was to cause so much pain to Lakai. But unfortunately, she was already messed up and nothing could have been further to finish her off. Peter teleported behind Lakai and seized her by her arm, pulling her closer and looking into her eyes, which never stopped moving. "No, I hate you, but I don't hate you that badly to turn you in to M.R.D. You'd be surprised how fast the word from mutant community gets around."

Peter kept starring at her. "...sorry I wasn't my precious sister!" Listening to her, almost made Peter feel sorry for her, but he knew that she was much more cynical deep inside then what she appeared from outside. "You can be so much more then hateful person, I've seen good in you before. I know you just got mixed in with a wrong crowd. But if you ever hurt Loika, god have mercy on your sould then"

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Lakai let out a startled yell when he grabbed her. She struggled then stopped and muttered to herself under her breath. " Sit up straight, practice piano, dont emberass me. Why couldnt you be perfect like you're sister hmm? Lula is never sick. Lula never whines." She closed her eyes and she started to speak at a louder volume. " Mother wants best. If you dont do as mother says you will end up with your sister. Stop sniveling! WHY CANT YOU BE MORE LIKE YOUR SISTER? HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO ME! If you turn into a mutant freak like your sister ill put you down like a lame hunting dog. Mr Stryker wouldnt pay for you!"

She seemed to be reliving old memories in her head. Her thoughts and memories seemed to be on shuffle, surfacing when they felt like it. Lakai didnt snap out of it until she slapped herself hard on the face. A memory of her mother slapping her. She shook her head and looked up at Peter with a stunned expression. She looked around and seemed to not know how she got where she was. She growled and her body started to tremble like Loika's did before she shifted.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Peter couldn't kill her, as much as he wanted to. She was already in such a messed up state that killing her now would not satisfy Peter's revengeful conscious. He kept looking at her as he listened to what she was saying. She made no sense, Peter realized that someone has really fucked with her brain...for the lack of better word. He couldn't kill her, not in a state she was in. He needed to help her, but talking to her would not work, she probably wasn't even aware where she was. He grabbed her by the shoulders and wildly shook her. "Lakai, do you know where you are at?" asked Peter, "Who am I?" Maybe she wasn't Lakai anymore.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Lakai stopped trembling and blinked. Her facial expression softened as well as her body relaxed a tad. She looked at him in confusion. "did i drop some bad E at chelsea's party? Well look man if we slept together im sorry but im not lookin for a boyfriend. you're cute but you are waaaay to old for me. You should be ashamed of yo pedo self." She let out a childish giggle and started to pat her pockets for her cigarettes.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

"Loika, what the hell is a matter with you?" asked Peter, still shaking her. He needed to take her to Jason. She was not in her right mind. But was she ever? Ever since she joined Brotherhood, Peter developed special kind of hate for her. One that resided deep within him and was afraid to fully come out. Peter was angry at Loika, but seeing how she was mentally unstable, Peter's vengeance died out like a candle. He'll just have to pay back later. He didn't want to take Lakai to Jason, why should he give a damn about someone who tried to kill her own sister? But she was talking shit that made no sense to Peter anymore who is Chelsea? She couldn't even answer his question. "Oh fuck it!" grumbled Peter as he quickly grabbed her and teleported to Xavier Institute, right into Jason's office.

"Hey, Mr. Andrews. She has completely lost her marbles. She's talking nonsense and I am pretty sure she ain't going to get better unless someone helps her."

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Lakai screamed when peter grabbed her. She looked at him in shock and backed away quickly. She bumped into a wall and skidded sideways. She looked around her frantically then picked up a vase and threw it at Peter. " You are a mutant! Oh my god! stay away from me! Dont you dare freaking touch me! My mom hates mutants! She knows people she can have you locked up! you better let me go!" Her body language changed again and now she was hugging herself and mumbling again. She stayed against the wall and looked at peter with fear.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Jason stood up from his seat as Peter suddenly appeared in a room from thin air. "Mr. Jackson...how many times do I have to tell you not to--" he begun but was interrupted by what Peter was saying to him. In the past, he has promised Shikon he would help him, and as an honest man Jason was going to keep his word. It was late though. What was Peter thinking coming back at this hour? He'll have a talk with him later, but for now Jason had to help Lakai if he could. The damage could very well be irreversible.

Jason saw flying vase, but he ignored it as he saw Lakai freaking out. Yep, the damage was pretty great. Frowning slightly, Jason concentrated and reached out for Sara. Hey, hun, if you are still up..come to my office. I need help with something very important.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Peter knew he was going to be in trouble later, but he needed to help Lakai. For reason he couldn't fathom himself yet. All these years he hated her and wanted to hurt her, but now he wasn't sure if what he wanted was the right choice. "Mr. Andrews, I'll take the consequences later, but you have to help her. She's going out of her mind. I think she already lost it." said Peter, sidestepping and avoiding the vase. "You see, she's talking shit no one can understand."

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Sara was fixing herself some tea and heading up to bed. She was leaving the kitchen when she felt Jason's voice in her head. She loved than man but it was late. She wished he would actually sleep a full nights rest. He was going to run himself into the ground.

She walked into his office in a nightgown and robe and almost dropped her tea when she saw lakai. The child was a mess. Both mentally and physically. She looked like she had been living on the streets for quite some time. She put a hand over her own mouth in surprise. " Oh my Jason. What is going on? She looks terrible."

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Jason turned to see his wife walking in with a cup of tea. "She does indeed. Peter brought her just few minutes ago. Lakai was like that when we were fighting the other day. She clung to my legs like a little leg." Jason yawned. "I told Shikon I will help Lakai, but I am afraid that whoever has done this to her, might made it permanent."

Jason slowly walked up to Lakai and squatted in front of the girl. Looking her straight in the eyes. There was so much confusion and feared thoughts that Jason wasn't even sure if he could even get rid of them. Entering Lakai's mind slowly, Jason kept his gaze on a girl at all times. "Listen to me carefully," he said soothingly and quietly. "You are safe. No one is going to hurt you. My name is Jason and I will try to help you, but you have to remain calm at all times."

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Sara watched Jason with Lakai quietly. It was like trying to calm a frightened animal. One wrong move and she would spook. Would she attack people in the mansion? She put a hand on peter's shoulder and smiled at him." You did a very mature thing bringing her here peter. Im very proud of you. You should check on Mack before you head to bed."

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Lakai was breathing hard. She felt cornered and scared. The voices in her head told her not to trust these people. They would burn her too. The voices told her not to look Jason in the eyes or else he would get in her head. She tried to avoid eye contact but she still heard his voice. She whimpered and cowered more. " D-dont burn me anymore. I wont tell anyone anything i swear! Just dont hurt me!"

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Jason watched as Lakai cowered in fear. So whoever did this to her, really was keen on making Lakai feel pain. Still looking at the the girl, Jason kept scanning her mind. He saw a woman entering what appeared was a holding cell.

Scarlett entered the cell and then bars turned back to electricity. She
stood there silently watching the mutant. They sure did look tricky and
certainly looked like humans. Scarlett licked her dry lips and took a
seat at the table, dropping a file. "So, Lakai...Lakai...did you honestly believed you can just barge into this place without being caught?" asked Scarlett. "You'd
think that those X-Genes or whatever the hell you call them these
days...would give you brains of Einstein, but I guess it just made you
more stupid."

Jason now knew who did this to her. But what was she doing there in a first place? Progressing deeper into Lakai's mind, Jason saw her jumping down from vents down to the ground and a small fight breaking out between the two. Trying to look through Lakai's memory was like trying to search for a needle in a haystack. There was so much junk memories and useless stuff.

Few minutes, Jenkins came back with a kid of about fifteen in handcuffs,
wearing an orange outfit which signified he was a prisoner. He grinned
foolishly and looked dirty, with cuts and bruises over face. Scarlett
walked over to Michael. "Meet Michael Jones, he is a mutant, like yourself but with very dangerous powers," said Scarlett. "You
see, he can enter your mind and make you see things you don't want to
see, feel things you don't want to feel. And the funny part is..."
smiled Scarlett, leaning over a table. "He's into kink as well."

At that point Jason gently pulled out of Lakai's mind as he felt slightly exhausted. He stood up and looked at Sara, "She was caught by M.R.D and tortured by another mutant with powers I couldn't even imagine. On top of all that, she's got he own personal worries that got mixed in with the experience at the M.R.D prison. So, to sum it all up...she's a walking mess. Any normal human would declare her insane and probably would have placed her in a mental institution."

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Peter had no reason to stay anymore. It was out of his hands now and since Jason and Sara were there, they could probably handle the situation on their own. They didn't need him. Peter turned to look at Sara as he walked to the door. " You did a very mature thing bringing her here peter. I'm very proud of you. You should check on Mack before you head to bed."

"If you only knew what I was planning on doing to her when I found her, you wouldn't have been proud of me." said Peter as he walked out of the room, and walked to Mackie's room. He opened the door and saw he and Katt sleeping. He wasn't going to wake her up, there was no reason to. Peter just closed the door and walked back to his own bedroom.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Lakai was huddled up in the corner of Jason's office. She was sitting on the floor hugging her knees and rocking. After Jason's invasion of her mind she was tired but still wired. She looked around at the people in the room wide eyed. Her sensitive wolf like hearing picked up what jason said about a mental institution.

She scrambled to her feet. In her mind he was taking her back to scarlett. " I wont go back! Ill die first!" She started running for the door in a panic.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

. Sara watched Jason work quietly. He was so amazing, and he looked graceful when he used his powers. She could tell he was tiring though. She hugged him when he joined her. " That poor girl. She may be an enemy but shes still a kid and a kid that needs our help.."

She was trying to think of some solution that didnt involve restraining the girl when she started freaking out. Sara acted quickly and grabbed the girl around the waist. She held onto her tight despit her struggling. The last thing she wanted was lakai hurting herself or someone else

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

When Lakai took off from the corner, Jason flinched. It was so sudden he didn't have time to really react to the situation. But then, Sara grabbed her by the waist. We are going to need to sedate her, with her mind. It will be impossible to control her, said Jason to Sara's mind. He didn't want Lakai hearing them and freaking out even more. In my laboratory, on a shelf to the right of the door should be a little kit, needles and sedative, could you please bring them to me, hun. I'll hold off Lakai for a time being.

Jason looked at Lakai and began to picture calm and soothing images in her mind. The beach at sunset and waves gently crushing at he sand.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

Lakai sensed the invasion in her mind and it had the opposite effect that was intended. Her face took on an aggresive expression and she snarled. She started to struggle against Sara harder. She elbowed her hard in the stomach and got a good kick to her leg. "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!"

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

sara tightened her grip on Lakai and looked over at " I would love to let go of her but she seemed a bit riled love." She winced in pain when Lakai struggled with her and struck at her. It hurt now but she knew it was going to bruise later. She felt bad holding onto the girl. Not only had the girl been terrified out of her mind but Lakai seem skinnier than normal. Sara could almost feel her bones while she held on.

descriptionCompleteRe: What Goes Around... (PG-13)

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