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Opposites can become sisters

descriptionCompleteOpposites can become sisters

Eris ran a hand through her hair as she entered Manhattan Mall with a small smile. Her tattoo had just got finished up on her thigh and she was very proud of it. Men looked at her legs like they were god's gifts and Eris put an extra swing in her hips so their gaze went up a bit. Looking over her shoulder, she winked at the group of men that seemed to be like lost puppies following her and they also didn't seem to mind the bruises that laced her skin.

Walking into a small cafe, she ordered a cherry ice smoothie and sat at the very back sipping it with a drawing pad opened in front of her. A pen was in her hand and she seemed to be sketching the tattoo on her thigh but was altering it in a way. Names were underneath it.

Her clothes with picture of tattoo :

Sipping more at her drink, she sighs in pure bliss. She was happy today and nothing was going to ruin that. Not even the guys that were ordering things just to sit close by. Eris rolled her eyes at them and glared so they ran away.

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Harper thanked the man who held the door for her to enter the mall. Being someone people recognized certainly had it's pluses, not that that was the only reason for a proper gentleman to hold or open a door for a lady. She flipped her blonde hair so her winged yin-yang tattoo at the center of her upper back was visible thanks to the wide neck shirt she wore that had slipped off her right shoulder. She walked passed one of the small cafes the mall had to offer and decided to order something to drink. After placing her order for a peppermint latte, Harper went to find a place to sit and go over her schedule for the next week. It was sure to be a busy one...

Harper picked a table and headed towards it, winking at a group of men sitting nearby who were eyeing her, when her eyes fell on a woman sitting at the table next to the one she planned to sit at. "Nice art," she said brightly, looking at the woman's tattoo. It looked fresh, but it was lovely. Harper pulled out a chair at the table near her and sat, still admiring her tattoo.

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Eris looked up as she heard a voice. Looking around, she saw a beautiful woman that looked familiar but she couldn't place it. She kept staring at the woman until she realized she was being addressed. ''Thanks..Nice Tat.'' She points out seeing a glimpse of it and feels Harper's gaze on her thigh. ''Designed it myself...'' Eris admits, pointing out the drawing in her book with Archard's and Archangel's names underneath it.

She smiles slightly, surprised she was so open to admit something. ''Hello...People call me Chaos but you can call me Eris and you are?'' Eris inquired with a raise of her eyebrow. ''I apologize but you look very familiar and i just can't seem to place it.'' Blushing slightly, she points to the seat in front of her. ''Please sit..'' She indicates and takes a sip of the cherry ice.

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"Thanks," she said when the woman complimented her own tattoo on her back and moved from the chair she had just sat in to the one the woman offered her. "You're quiet the artist, Eris. This is beautiful," she said looking at the drawing of her tattoo. Seeing the two names underneath it, she wondered who they were. Raising her blue eyes to Eris, she smiled slightly when she heard her explain that she couldn't place where she knew her face from. Taking a drink of her latte, Harper held up a finger as a 'one moment' signal. She reached into her teal Coach over-the-shoulder purse and pulled out a gently folded magazine. Harper placed it on the table, cover up, and slid it to Eris. "Check out page 25," she said with a wink, before taking another sip of her drink.

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Eris smiled as Harper sat down and tilts her head, her smile turning into a bright grin at her compliment. ''Thanks...'' She blushes a little. When Harper puts her hand up at her question, she frowns a little and saw the magazine. A model...should've known. Eris thought to herself and goes directly to the page she told her to. Harper Beckett...The Model. Oh brilliant. She's probably one of those stuck up ones then again..would she really talk to me if she was? Thinking to herself, she inwardly groaned. ''Harper Beckett. Lingerie and Swimsuit model, correct? Sorry for not knowing you. I don't really read these magazines.'' She admits and sips her drink.

''So what brings you here, Harp?'' Eris asked with a raise of her eyebrow but grinned as she shortened her name. Sliding the magazine back, she tucks a leg under her and looks over Harper's shoulder, seeing a group of men at the door staring at them. Rolling her gold and blue odd eyes, she looked back at Harper.

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Harper tipped her head, "That would be me. It's alright that you didn't know me right off. It was kind of nice, really..." While Harper did enjoy the attention sometimes, other times it was nice to just be a normal person that wasn't known for the work she did with her body. "I often come here to go over my schedule for the upcoming week. This cafe offers the best peppermint lattes, and they aren't ones to pass judgement on who comes to call for refreshments," she said with a wink. Harper had been frequenting this cafe since she moved to New York. Mutant or not, it didn't matter to them...

When Eris looked over Harper's shoulder, she noticed the woman's eyes. "Your eyes. Forgive me, but they are quite unique. Lovely really," she said. Eyes like that meant a mutation. Maybe more than just her eyes... "What about you, Eris? What brings you here?" she asked.

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Eris smiles. She ain't so bad...I can see a friendship here. She though to herself. ''I'm sure it's nice to see a face that doesn't know who you are and treats you like a normal person.'' She shrugs at the word normal, a hint of disgust in her eyes as she thinks of humans. Chuckling at Harper's explanation, she smiles brightly. ''I'm usually always here. It's odd i ain't seen you before.'' Eris muses.

Sipping her drink, she locked eyes with Harper as she compliments them. ''Thank you...They ain't like the human's are they?'' She made a point with saying human's so Harper knows she's not like them. That's she's a mutant. Scare the woman or not, Eris didn't care. Smiling at the question, she rests the straw on her blood red lips. ''I always come here to relax, draw a bit and have the best drink i've ever tasted. it's a cherry ice smoothie.'' She explains, indicating to the drink in her delicate hand.

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Harper shrugged her shoulders when Eris commented that she hadn't seen her here before. "More often than not, I tend to keep to myself once I have my drink. But, your tattoo was so striking, I just had to compliment it," she said lightly. They ain't like the human's are they? So her assumption was correct. Eris was a mutant beyond just her eyes. "They are striking. Much more unique than any human's anyway," she said with a smile and a small tilt of her head showing her understanding of her meaning. With a little raise of her eyebrow, Harper gave her a gentle hint that there was more to herself than met the eye, as well.

"Cherry ice smoothy? Might need to venture to try one one day," Harper said taking another sip of her drink. "So, what do you do, Eris?" she asked.

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Eris chuckled lightly. ''Thank you..I plan to get more.'' She muses softly with a grin. Listening to Harper speak about her eyes, she realized that Harper was not a human. Eris's eyes widen and she looks around to see the men had backed off and no one was paying attention to them anymore. ''So...you're like me?'' She asks hesitantly. Laughing lightly, she nodded. ''Yeah..it's amazing. Very refreshing.'' Eris admits and her whole body tenses at her question. Staring down at her drawing, she shrugs. ''I'm a dancer...or in better words, a stripper. I also do a few odd jobs here and there but dancer is the one that sticks.'' Shrugging, she swirls her drink around hoping not to be judged.

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Harper smiled lightly at Eris' question. "I am," she whispered leaning in to her, before sitting back. So, Eris was more than just someone with a mutation giving her two different colored eyes. She noticed that the woman seemed to tense at her question of what she did. Hearing that she was a dancer, well stripper, Harper simply nodded. "So, I'm not the only one who uses their body as a means of making a living," she said. "Nothing wrong with using what you have," Harper added with a wink. As she spoke, her eyes fell on the tattoo sketch with the two names below it. "Sorry, who are these names under your dream catcher?" she asked, curiously. They were lovely names...

Last edited by Harper Beckett on Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Eris couldn't help but grin at Harper's answer. Her eyes were bright and shining causing her to lean forward. ''What can you do?'' She whispers. Tilting her head, she sighs. ''Most of the people i work with do more than show their bodies but...i simply do it because i love to dance.'' Eris admitted, only to laugh at Harper's words. She was getting comfortable in the Model's presence. Sipping at her drink, she kept smiling.

Shifting at Harper's question, she stares at the sketch only to trace the names. ''Archard...is my best friend. I met him 10 years ago and he gave me a place to stay whilst i lived on the streets all of my life. However...i feel as though he will leave me soon.'' Running a hand through her hair, she breathed deeply. ''Archangel...is another important person in my life. I have no idea what we are. I love him, he loves me but other than that, i have no idea. We're close in every way. He used to work for me. He had this group and they quickly became family. They were like brothers to me but he wasn't.'' Leaning forward closer, Eris locked eyes with Harper. ''I was a crime lord back then, Harp. They worked for me and i gave 'em what they wanted. The boys wanted weapons, he wanted...me. Archard and him mean the world to me so i guess getting 'em tattooed on me will be the best way to remember them.'' Eris simply shrugged and blushed a little. ''Sorry for the life story. I do not mean to...ramble on so much. It just happens when i get comfortable around someone.''

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Harper smiled when Eris leaned in and asked her what she could do. Looking around she spotted a store across the way with bright florescent lights filling the shop with light. "You see that shop over there? The one with all the jewelry? Watch..." she said. Putting her elbow on the table and resting her index finger just under her nose so her hand was slightly open and facing the store, she looked at the shop and slowly closed her hand. The light in the shop faded to nothing and then came back to full light, a blink of sorts, as she opened her hand back up, making those in the shop glance up at the lights and shrug before going back to their clients.

Turning her blue eyes on Eris, she lowered her hand from her face and said, "That's not all." She put her hand on the table behind the napkin holder on the table so no one would see. Lowering her eyes to her hand she allowed it to glow softly and let it return to normal. Raising her eyes to Eris, she winked and said, "Sometimes you gotta help that natural glow out a little. That's how I got the name Firefly." She had used that power to her advantage when it came to her modeling since she started. Her photographers loved the glow that she seemed to emit during her photo sessions. "With light comes darkness. Hence, my tattoo. The delicate balance between light and dark. When the light is gone, I can see perfectly in the darkness," she whispered to her with a smile. "What about you?" she asked and leaned back.

As Eris told her about the names Archard and Archangel and the stories behind them, Harper smiled. "They both sound like wonderful people. You are lucky to have them," she said. Harper leaned in as Eris did and listened as she told her about her past as a crime lord. She locked her eyes with the woman and said, "Your past is your past. I don't judge. You past helps to make you as you are in the present which allows you to move into the future." Harper winked at her as she crossed her arms on the table. "Don't apologize for the story, Eris. I'm glad you feel that way," she said dropping her gaze. She was surprised that she was as comfortable with Eris as she was. It wasn't common for Harper to be this at ease around someone new. "In fact, I feel oddly comfortable with you, too. Even though we just met," she said lifting her eyes to the woman across from her.

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Eris looked at the shop and grinned madly seeing that Harper messed with the lights. ''Amazing..'' She turns back to Harper to hear that wasn't it. Tilting her head, Eris stared at her hand to see it glow. ''Firefly...Cute.'' She winks and chuckles lightly only to shift in her chair a little. Looking around so no one sees her, she clicks her fingers and a tiny candle flame formed on her finger. Waving it away, she tilts her head wondering how to show her other power. Staring towards a man's laptop, she holds her hand up as if fanning her face and then clenches it quickly. The laptop begins to spark and hiss, shaking with electricity overload. Opening her hand again, it goes back to normal and Eris' blue eye sparks a bit. ''Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of places, If only one remembers to turn on the light.'' Eris quotes from Harry potter with a small blush.

''They are amazing people and without them...i'd probably be this fiery mess.'' Eris chuckled lightly and smirked. Your past is your past...It's my present, Harp. Eris thought to herself and smiles to see Harper drop her gaze. ''This is new for me...'' She admits and smiles. ''Hey us girls and mutants gotta stick together.'' Chuckling and grinning, Eris sipped her drink, feeling the coldness collide with the heat of her body.

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A grin spread across Harper's face when Eris made a flame appear from her fingers after clicking them, light a lighter. When she made the man's laptop fritz and go bonkers, Harper couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "You're powers are great," she said happily, looking back at her.

Hearing what the two men did for her, she smiled. "I'm glad they helped you as they did. As lovely as fire is, I don't think it would be too becoming if you were a blazing mess," Harper said sipping her drink. Hey us girls and mutants gotta stick together... Harper's blue eyes glistened as she smiled and nodded. "You got that right. Power in numbers. Safety in numbers, too," she commented.

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Eris laughed lightly as she sees Harper hide a laugh. ''Thank you. As are yours.'' She says softly with a bright smile. Chuckling, she nods. ''If they didn't help me, this place would look like the Battlefield. A complete mess. I did and i still do love to destroy things but that's lessened now. They've taught me ways to not do so. Drawing is one of them.'' She muses softly, tracing her drawing pad gently. Finishing her drink, she orders another with a small smile. Turning back to Harper, Eris stared into her eyes seeing them glisten and sparkle. ''I ain't seen someone other than Archangel happy before...'' Eris admitted staring at the fresh drink that got placed on the table. ''Thanks sir.'' Eris says looking up whilst the waiter left. ''That's very true. Allies is a very great thing these days...although i do prefer friendships. Much closer than allies.''

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"Drawing is a good outlet," Harper said finishing her drink. When the waiter offered to get her another latte, she smiled and shook her head in response. At Eris' comment that she hadn't seen people happy other than Archangel and now herself, Harper was shocked. "Really? Surely, you've seen others happy, Eris," she said. Harper tried to think how hard it must be to not see people happy. At Eris' comment about friendships over allies, her smile returned. "You know, I like friendships better, too," she said. "Perhaps... We could be friends," Harper offered.

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Eris nodded. ''That it is..Although it doesn't beat kickboxing.'' Chuckling lightly, she sips her drink and leans back in the chair. Tilting her head, she sighs. ''Of course people on the streets and people after winning a fight but happiness from a pure reason. I'm sure you feel happy because...you are comfortable with someone. You can talk to someone without having that hounding about your job. Someone you can connect to in a sorts or because you find my power amusing it brought you joy. That's happiness. Love, freedom and those sort of things cause happiness. I see happiness from a distance.'' Eris explained softly, a distant gaze in her eyes. ''Sorry i've made this conversation serious.'' Shifting in her chair, she smiles slightly. Grinning at Harper's offer, Eris nodded slowly. ''Perhaps we could, Harp.'' She winks at the shorten of her name and sips at her drink.

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Harper listened intently as Eris explained the difference between the happiness that she knows compared to the happiness that Harper knew. She felt sorry that Eris had never really seen or known happiness. Carefully, she gently rested her hand on the woman's hand. No words were needed as she smiled simply at her. When she mentioned making the conversation serious, Harper waved it away. "Sometimes conversations end up that way without someone meaning for it to. You actually did a nice job explaining what you meant," Harper said giving Eris' hand a squeeze. Perhaps we could, Harp... She couldn't help but smile at the shortening of her name. "I haven't heard that in years...." she said simply, sitting back and gracefully crossing her legs, smiling to herself.

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Eris felt Harper's hand on hers and she looked up with a smile. No words were spoken but an understanding was between them. ''That is true..and thank you...I do try.'' Winking, she squeezed her hand back but softly as her hand was at a very warm temperature. ''Well you'll be hearing it a lot more, Harp.'' Smirking, Eris couldn't help but laugh. She hadn't felt this carefree in a long time and was glad it was with someone new.

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Harper laughed lightly when Eris told her that she would be hearing the shortening of her name more often. That was a nice thought. Harper hadn't been called Harp since she was a little girl still living a somewhat normal life away from New York. It would be nice to be called that again. "The start of a friendship. Sounds nice to me," Harper said with a small sigh. It would be nice to have another woman to spend time with, and another like her to top it off. "Who knew that coming for coffee today would bring this about," she mused happily.

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Eris nodded happily. ''Sounds very nice.'' She mused softly. This would be her second female friend and one Eris knew she'd be very close to. Laughing at Harper's words, she grinned. ''The world works in the oddest of ways.'' She replied, sipping her drink.

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Harper nodded in agreement. "That it does," she mused. She was happy that she took the time to come and speak to this woman. In her line of business, often it was wiser to simply keep to oneself. Too many women were judgmental of what she did and how she looked. Eris understood that... For being in two different lines of work, they actually had a lot in common other than their abilities. Taking out a small pad of light purple paper, Harper wrote with her flowing script handwriting. With a smile, she folded it the paper and held it out to Eris. "Before I forget... In case you need anything, you an reach me here..." she said.

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Eris couldn't help but smile. An understanding was shared between the two and Eris couldn't be happier. Sipping at her drink, she watched as Harper began to write on a piece of paper in a beautiful handwriting. Pocketing it with a smile, she looks up at Harper. ''Will do.'' Ripping a page out of her drawing pad that had a picture of a butterfly on a rose. Writing her name, codename and number on it, she slid it over to Harper. ''Same goes for you...Need me, just call and i shall come.''

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Harper took the paper and looked at the picture. "You really do have a talent when it comes to your art. This is lovely! And, I will remember," she said sticking the picture into the magazine and putting them both in her bag. Carefully, she folded both so they would be tucked safely inside without damaging either piece. "So, if you don't mind my asking, where do you work?" Harper asked. She knew of a few places near her agency where people in Eris' line of work were. She wondered if this new friend might work at one of those places.

Last edited by Harper Beckett on Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

Eris grinned. ''Thank you...it'll help you remember me.'' Winking, she shifts in her chair sipping her drink. ''Nah i don't mind...Downtown. A club called The Rouge. Not very creative i know but hey...my boss is an idiot.'' Shrugging, Eris simply smiled. Tilting her head with curiosity and furrowed her brow. ''Why do you ask?'' Eris inquired.

descriptionCompleteRe: Opposites can become sisters

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