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The Rescue ( R)

descriptionCompleteThe Rescue ( R)

Loika sat waiting in Jason's office for everyone to arrive before they left for the MRD. Loika was able to track down information and found out Mackenzie was being held there. She was dressed casually but smartly.

Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. If she didnt get her baby back she wasnt sure what she would be able to do. Peter and Mack and Claire were her life. She waited for everyone to show up before they went for Mackie. She held Mackenzie's locket in her hand and looked at the pictures of her and peter inside it. She had found Mackenzie's locket at the school.

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Peter walked into Jason's office. Loika was already there with him. It wasn't going to be simple, it was never simple. Whenever any mutant was taken by M.R.D, they either died in the hands of their captors, tortured to the brink of madness, or god knows what else they did to those innocent people. Many of them were not even at fault of anything illegal. The government simply labeled them as dangerous to society. So, then, M.R.D. swoops in and takes care of the danger. They wil not lay a finger on Mackie. 

But Peter didn't think the M.R.D was going to be nice to his kid. He realized that that clever tongue of hers is bound to get her into trouble.There was no doubt about that. However, he was determined to bring their baby back alive. Taking a notice of both of them, Peter nodded at Jason and walked up to Loika. "We will get her back, I promise you that much." he said softly to Loika, who looked like she was crying more and more everyday.

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Loika buried her face in his shoulder and tried to take a few deeps breaths. The tears were threatening to spill again. Mackie's locket was clenched in her hand so tightly it was starting to hurt her hand. She mumbled into his shirt " And if we dont? If we loose her? I know you didnt want her at first but.... shes my baby Peter. If we loose her i... i cant even say...."

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Lakai was at the doorway with her arms crossed. She didnt want to interrupt the moment but at the same time she didnt like seeing Loika hurting. She wanted to fix it. She coughed loudly in an attempt to interrupt the moment. " I got your call. I couldnt find any more info than you already have. Am i interrupting anything besides you two making another rugrat?"

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Jason looked at all the people present at his office. Each and everyone of them were anxious about the same thing. Mackenzie Brooke Jackson. Xavier's student, Loika's and Peter's daughter a friend to many other people who inhibited this building and lived under the same roof. Jason didn't want to see mackie getting killed by the crazy, insecure, most likely fearful woman, Scarlett Hawrhorne. There was nothing stopping her from executing Mackie, other then using her as a leverage to get to higher and more wanted mutants.

Jason stood up from his chair and leaned forward on his desk. "So, how do you want this done...quietly or with a loud bang?" asked Jason, wondering what all o their minds had to say about the situation. Probably, screaming in agony and Jason knew that feeling very well when Helena was killed. He just wished he had gone back in time and saved her, but Jason never could alter the past in fears of destroying the present.

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Loika seemed to be snapped out of her pain by Lakai and Jason. It still hurt but she could focus a bit more. She needed to. She subconciously rubbed the scar on her stomach through her shirt. The scar left when Mackenzie came into this world. She leaned on Peter for support. " We need to get in, get her, and get out. Some of us are wanted by the MRD. I cant ask any of you to sacrifice yourself for my daughter but any help is appreciated. If i see that bitch that took her... ill rip her fucking head off."

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"You cant ask me not to come," said Peter as he looked at Loika. "I am going regardless, oh and I am sure, Lakai would like to kick some ass as well. I mean, it isn't easy to forget what they did to her." 

Peter wished that Mackie was going to be alright. He knew Mackie was strong, but the M.R.D could still overpower her and kill her. He didn't want to think about that kind stuff, but it was a possibility. Peter did realize that they had mutants at their disposal who have been brainwashed into fighting for their cause. Which wasn't going to be easy to get past them. "So, then, when do we leave?"

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" As soon as we can. Shes been in thier clutches too long as it is... And theres more. I found her locket at the school... and blood. I think shes hurt." She was tensing up again. She was trying not to loose it or shift. She looked to Jason for any kind of hint on what to do. With her real father gone he was the closest thing she had to a role model.

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"I have two ideas, both of which are not safe nor bullet proof," said Jason looking at all of three of them. "I am not in favor of either one of them, but seeing as the situation's dire to us all, I say this is a desperate time, therefore we must take desperate action."

Walking around the desk, he was now standing in front of it, leaning against it. "First idea would be, we go straight for Mackie, which is more riskier then I want, and another is we can take out all personal first and then get Mackier, however though, she might not make it before we get to her. As I said, both ideas are dangerous, and neither is pleasing. But we must get Mackie out of there, one way or the other." stated Jason as he looked at Loika now.

"We don't have time to debate which action plan we should take, so pick one and let's go with it. Every minute we hesitate, is a minute Mackienzie could be starring death closer in a face."

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Sara was already standing behind the desk. She had been silent most of the meeting. She was never much of a fighter unless she needed to be. She wrapped a comforting arm around Jason's waist and waited for Loika's choice. It was a hard one to make. One a mother should never make.

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" We need to go for her now and not waste any time. We need to go straight for her. Even now she might already be..." She squeezed Peter's hands and looked into his eyes. " How many people can you teleport at once safely?"It was the fastest way she could think of to get to her.

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Not surprised at how fast. Loika made up her mind, Peter stuck his hand in a pocket very fast. "Ow, shit!" he screamed as he pulled out his hand. He had stabbed himself on a nail which he always carried with him if he knew there was going to be fight. "I am fine, just nails." chuckled Peter as he looked at Loika, sucking blood from his bleeding palm. She squeezed his hand.

"How many people can you teleport at once safely?" asked Loika. Peter looked around at everyone. "I can take you all at once..but you'll need to hold your hands together, so that it works." he responded.

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Loika was already on pins and needles. She hadnt slept or hunted since Mack was taken. The smell of Peter's blood hit her hard and her eyes glowed a little. She tried to focus. She looked around to the others. " You heard him then. If you are willing to fight for Mackenzie come forward and take hands."

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Rachel, dressed in her Nightwisp outfit, raced to Xavier Institute. She has just learned that Mackie was taken by M.R.D. She always wondered what it would be like to be held captive in their facility. However, she never wanted to find out on her own. It was only the thought that mattered to Rachel. She didn't have time to buzz in or make an appointment. Blowing doors off their hinges, Rachel sped through the yard toward the front doors. 

No tme for greetings, she parked her bike in front of the doors and then burst throught the doors. Not sure where they were going to meet or if they left yet, Rachel ran toward the office. Usually, that's where all the meeting took place and rescue missions. She flew through the doors, seeing all the people in there. "I am here to offer my help in this never ending struggle for peace." said Rachel, trying to catch her breath.

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Jason once again looked at Peter and Loika, Sara, Lakai, and...Rachel Mason? Surpsingly, for a woman who didn't want to be involved in other other people business, she sure had ways of getting right in a middle of it. But it was all good, Jason figured, they could use all the help they needed in taking down M.R.D and their facility. Surely, it will end up on the news, and humans will hate mutants with even more passion. Unfortunatley, Jason did realize Scarlett wasn't going to negotiate with mutatns on any terms. Be it peaceful or not. She wanted to kill them all.

"Also, you guys. I you feel like you will not be able to take down your opponent, there is no shame in running. Recover yourself and then get back into fight." said Jason, giving them all an advice. Maybe it was taken, maybe not...but he hopped no one would die today. Jason took Sara's hand and Lakai's at the other side. He was ready.

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" Thank you rachel.... we will take any help we can get." Loika was anxious to get going and get her baby back. She held Peter's hand. Mackenzie's locket was pressed between their hands. She didnt tell peter but she would sacrifice herself for mack if needed. Her life didnt matter as much as her daughter's did.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Rescue ( R)

Peter closed his eyes, as he joined hands with Loika and Rachel who just joined them at the last moment. Not knowing what was going to happen to them all, and whether they were going to make it back all together. But, one thing was for sure, Peter wasn't going to leave without Mackie. He would die first then see her being hurt.

Concentrating very hard on their destination, there was crackle in the air and then POOF. Now they stood twenty feet away from the building. Guards were swarming the place, not without a reason of course. "It's show time!" said Peter as he realized that Loika was going to charge into that place first.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Rescue ( R)

Loika ran next to Peter in the new place. The MRD. Hell for all mutant kind. Her baby has been taken to hell. She was still in her human form. She sniffed deeply as they went. She could smell mackenzie but her smell was different some how. She couldnt put her finger on it. Her body was aching to shift. " Do we split up? I smell her but something is wrong. The scent is different. Almost... stale."

descriptionCompleteRe: The Rescue ( R)

Lakai snarled when they all appeared in the M.R.D. The place smelled of blood and suffering. It was pretty offensive to the senses. Especially if you have heightened senses. She called out to loika as they ran. She had picked up on the same smell. "i smell it too. What is that? Should we split up or stick together?"

descriptionCompleteRe: The Rescue ( R)

"Faeliths, I think you two should stick together, you have better odds that way," said Jason as he looked around to notice many guards. He wold have to take care of them now. He walked out to the front, closed his eyes and then pointed at the first guard, Shoot each other, he commanded in their heads.
"HEY--" started another guard, but just as quick he was silenced with a bullet to his head. One more guard opened fire and stroke one more down. Soon, it was a massacre, but at this point Jason was finished giving warnings and giving second changes to people who didn't need them. One's who were coming after people Jason cared about.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Rescue ( R)

Loika and Lakai were very agile and stronger than the average human. She rushed forward to one of the guards and lept up into the air gracefully. She hit him in the chest knee first and landed on him that way on the ground. The man gasped for air until She punched him in the throat. " Jason can you hear her thoughts anywhere? Tell her to make noise or something so we can find her!"

descriptionCompleteRe: The Rescue ( R)

"What a mess, Jason. I like your style."
Amidst the gunfire and yelling, a familiar voice made itself known somewhere above them.
First a trickle of smoke leaked from the ceiling, and then it pooled next to Jason.

"I left home as soon as the order to interrogate her was emailed.. been waitin here a while!"
The cloud formed a vague shape, but remained the 'ghost' version of himself.
Despite the minor note of sarcasm in his voice, Kas wasn't going to ask what held them up;
and likewise hopefully no one would ask why he was hiding instead of fighting.

"More of us than I expected, so let's be optemistic. If you want this to be fast, we should split into pairs and start looking."
Jason's super-nerd brain could ping all of them. When someone found Mackenzie, or shit they couldn't handle, then they could regroup.

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Loika slid to a stop. " YOU KNEW SHE WAS HERE BEING INTERROGATED AND YOU DIDNT CONTACT ME!?" She slapped Kas hard across the cheek. He was a dear friend but now she was angry and hurt.

She moved on ahead until she stopped at the interrogation rooms. The door had blood on it. Lots of blood. It smelled familiar. She slowly extended her arm and gripped the the doornob. She turned it and opened the door and froze. Whatever she was seeing inside the room had caused her to become paler than usual. Her legs looked like they were going to give and she let out a high pitched wail of pain. " PETER!"

descriptionCompleteRe: The Rescue ( R)

"Is everyone ready?" asked Scarlett as she zipped up her las boot, checked her guns in holsters and tightened strap on her leg holster. It was going to be bloody and she knew that. The government was going to be asking a lot of questions to which she might not even have an answer, but as far as killing of mutants, she already came up with a reason. Assault on Federal Agent. Scarlett has had it with these animals. These barbarians who seemed to disregard every law there was in the country and the state ones. She was going to put them all down one by one, without mercy. She was doing favor to public, not a job. 

"Yes, ma'am!" answered Ryan Jenkins for everyone. In a room there were 30 man and woman, including Scarlett who were ready to put their lives down for the good of human kind. Not mutant kind. It was all just a game to those who could play god with human lives, well...Scarlett was going to end it all today. 
"Listen up everyone!" announced the woman as she placed her hand on her waist, pushing her coat out of the way. "I am not going to lie, it's going to be tough to fight against these animals. But I have faith in each and everyone one of you to rid this world of filth." said Scarlett. "The government has entrusted us to watch out for people who can't look out for themselves. So, please--stand with me!"

The whole room exploded into cheers and claps. Scarlett left the room with big strides, with her 30 people-army following behind her every move. She navigated through hallways and rooms, but soon arrived where she needed to. She already heard the guns firing and screams from outside, which meant that they were here. The mutants have already arrived as well. Scarlett threw a sticky substance on a door, which seemed to have a timer going back. Once it reached ten, Scarlett warned everyone to step back a bit. 10..9...8..7...6..5...4...3...2...1...BOOM! 

The doors flew the opPosite way and the group charged at whatever they saw outside. "KILL THEM..." Scarlett yelled among the shouting, "KILL THEM ALL!"

descriptionCompleteRe: The Rescue ( R)

Dressed all in black, vengeance and death, blended in. She pulled the full black hood of his cloak over his head and walked slowly down the hallways of M.R.D while in his invisible form. He heard gunfires but he ignored it. He decided to check some of the doors. The first door was locked. According to the map he was holding that this floor had some offices but was mostly file and furniture storage so he decided not to open as this might attract the attention of any enemy M.R.D. guards that might be nearby.

Neal decided to made his way upstairs. Some of the doors there were locked as well. The guide map said that the second floor was weapons and other M.R.D. equipments. No reason to examine all the rooms either. This was tricky, the map didn't say anything where they kept and held the mutants they captured.

Suddenly, he heard shots, followed by screams. The screaming continued, increasing in pitch and intensity but he couldn't say where it was coming from. Neal continued to walk until he saw her. She was there, Scarlett Hawthorne, facing in his direction and seemed talking to the guards around her. He allowed himself to continue waking invisibly without changing his pace and then... BOOM! Something exploded behind him. The sound and force of the explosion made him duck and turn away instinctively, and it made him lunch his shoulders, so he was protected from the burnt of explosion as Scarlett yelled.

Neal felt something bite his head, then felt the heat and pressure of the explosion slam into him. He slowly compose himself, stood up and silently approached Scarlett as he raised his hand and fired a lightning bolt towards her. "I'm tired of you torturing and killing mutants without appreciating the so-called delicacies of your art. You truly do need to know the fruits of your own labor. Don't you think?" He said, still intangible. If Neal was fortunate, this would damage Scarlett's bone and she would not escape the pain that she happily inflicted upon mutants.

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