X-Men: World of MutantsLog in

descriptionCompletescratch n dent (pg13)

Arabella was in the passenger seat of a guy whom she had just met at the the park. It was probably a stupid idea considering for all she knew he could be a homicidal maniac. She was comfortable in her ability to protect herself though. 

During the drive she had fallen asleep as she watched the traffic around them. She wasnt  sure if he was talkig to her or not. All in all she had a swollen and sprained ankle, a scrape on her chin, both knees, and a deep gash in her hand from where she tried to catch herself. Hopefully the hospital wouldnt call the police on the meathead. He just seemed clumbsy, not dangerous.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

Sean was driving a strange female to the hospital, hoping that he had not done too much damage to her, though he was partially blaming her for running into him anyway. Not that this was the time to mention that, when he was helping her out. Sean sighed deeply, as he drove his car out to the front of the hospital, making sure that he stopped infront of the emergency room and lightly poked Arabella on the shoulder. ”Wake up.” Sean said to the female trying to wake her up as he stepped out of the car, yawning and stretching.

Walking over to the passenger door, he opened it and offered a hand, wondering if he had hurt her that badly. 'hey, you're not like going to die on me or anything, right?” Sean partially joked.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

Ara was just starting to dream about the ocean back home when someone woke her up. Oh yea. Meathead had toppled her over like a domino. She looked around in confusion. She had no idea where she was. Just a hospital somewhere. 

She stepped out of the car gingerly and looked up at the guy that drove her here. "Of course im not going to die you damn idiot. Worst case scenario some road rash and a sprain." Shd starte  to smart more but she tripped and fell into him. She turned bright red.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

He found himself both smirking and internally rolling his eyes at the females insistence on being tough, even though he knew she was in pain. The ankle must have hurt, or so he could assume based upon the time he sprained his own ankle. 'I know you aren't going to die, I was being sarcastic.” Sean grumbled, rolling his eyes, looking to the female as she fell into him and nearly knocked the male off his feet, though he managed to catch her. ”Um....okay I think its time we getcha checked out.” he said with a small chuckle, offering a shoulder to place her arm around so they could get to walking into the hospital.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

Ara leaned on sean on the way into the ER. They looked at the  two at the sign in desk like they were a domestic abuse couple. Ara smiled sheepishly and explained what happened. The looked at her skeptically but handed her a clipboard of papers to fill out.

She sat and filled them out as best she could. She handed them back and offered her an ice pack whe she waited. They told her it could be a while. She sat with the ice pack on her ankle. Most of her body was sore.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

Sean could tell as they walked in that one could misconstrue this as some manner of domestic abuse situation, even though he barely even knew the chick. He could tell from the looks that they were shooting the two, Sean offering an awkward smile to them as Arabella explained the situation, which they did not appear to believe and which made it even more awkward. Luckily they believed them well enough to hand over the clipboard and let the two sit down, the female filling it out while Sean sat back with arms crossed, humming something to himself. Occasionally he would look to the female while waiting for their turn to come up. ”Hows the ankle holdin up?” Sean asked.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

Ara's hand was starting to hurt worse than her ankle. She had wrapped it with a strip she ripped from her shirt. When she landed on the pavement she caught herself with her hands and knees. Her knees were scraped along with her chin but her hand was the worst. It was starting to bleed through the fabric.

She kept up her stubborn front after she looked at her hand. She turned a little pale and pretended to casually slouch in the chair she was sitting in. " Hand hurts worse than my ankle." She slowly unwrapped it and went a little paler when she looked at it. The gash in her hand was pretty deep. it would need a couple stitches at least. Nothing too bad but to a girl that had never been seriously hurt it looked aweful. " Well thats a bit... hmm. Thats not good is it."

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Sean leaned over to examine her hand, which was staining the section of shirt that she had used to bandage it with blood. Okay, so that was probably worse than he thought it was, likely would require stitches but he was sure that it wouldn't be anything too bad. When the damage eas revealed, it appeared even worst and Sean sighed audibly, rubbing the bridge of his nose. ”Nope, not good at all. You're probably going to need stitches.” Sean leaned over to check it out once more and cringed. ”Yupp, you are definitely going to need stitches.”

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

She tried not to stare it too much but she couldnt help it. She groaned and looked away. "Ugh. I cant stand looking at blood. It kinda makes me wanna puke." She was grateful for the distraction when the nurse . Grated they had to wait over an hour but still.

The nurse took them behind a curtain. She checked arabella's itals and informed them  the doctor would see them shortly. She gave ara a shot of something for the pain before she left.
After she left ara glared at the meat head.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

”Yeah blood can be pretty gross.” Sean said with a nod, arms crossed over his chest as he tried not to let the blood that she was oozing get to him, even though he had seen worst before. The nurse would come, and then they could get to dealing with the problem at hand, which was checking up on the girls injuries and informing them the doctor would be with them soon, while Sean sat there annoyed. Once all of that was done, and the girl got a shot for the pain, she would glare at Sean, the male glaring back. ”What? Is there something on my face?” he asked sarcastically running fingertips over his face which was a little grizzly from stubble.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

She scowled a bit more before it started to turn to a sloppy smirk. "Your face was bothering me but its starting to not bother me so much. Its actually kind of adorable. Watch out royal corgies you are loosing cute points!" She let out a giggle then cit it off. "I dont know why that was funny. Or why i said it."she tried to hold it in but another burst of giggles escaped. The giggles continued until the doctor came in.

He poked his head into the curtain to check that he had the correct patient and grinned when ara errupted in to more giggles."i see i found the right patient." He set down his clipboard and started to examine her hand. He looked to sean as he pulled the suture kit out. "So what happened to your girlfriend today son?" Arabella shook her head lazily. "He is not my boyfriend. He just ran me over is all."

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

”My face is adorable? Sean asked incredulously, rolling his eyes and looking to the female. As if on cue with the giggles, the doctor would peer in and look to the giggling female with a smile, Sean raising an eyebrow at him and then looking to her. ”Girlfriend? No, she is not my girlfriend, I was just running and we ran into each other. She fell, and hurt herself.” Sean explained, not wanting to make it sound like he was the one that ran her over, because that would just ruin the first impression.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

The doctor looked between the two with a bit of confusion. It was definitely one of the weirdest patients he had in a while. He strugged and continued to put the stiches in the girl's hand. She had callouses on a couple of her fingers which suggested she was a musician. " Dont worry, this shouldnt affect your music playing at all. Just take it easy if it hurts. You shouldnt feel much pain for a while though. The nurse gave you some morphine."

"I play what i waaaaant." She said in a very sing songy tone. She laid her head back and closed her eyes. " Arabella is sleepy now." She opened one eye and looked at sean and giggled. " I would wreck that. destrooooy it. All these injuries would look like nothing compared to what would be the aftermath." With that she closed her eyes again and began to doze.

The doctor chuckled and finished with her hand. After that he gently wrapped her ankle. He took out her chart and made some notes. " Miss Adair required a few stitches in her hand and she has a sprained ankle. She needs to stay off of it a couple days and she should be fine. The nurse will have some medication and an antibiotic ointment waiting for her when you check her out. Shes lucky to have a friend like you. good luck." He held out his hand to shake.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

The sight of the stitches being applied caused Sean to wince slightly, needle moving through flesh somewhat morbid but not enough to make him feel sick. Arabella turned towards him, saying something about wrecking that and creating a distressed look upon the male as his eyes widened, wondering what she meant about wrecking. With a weak chuckle, he turned towards the doctor who explained their situation and nodded with a small smirk. ”I guess she is lucky.” he said with a nod, shaking the doctors hand. He would need the good luck though, as he had no real idea what he was doing, especially with the dozing female.

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The doctor worked on her discharge papers. " She is going to be sleepy for the next few hours, possibly the whole night. Just keep an eye on her in case she has a reaction to any of the medication and call the ER if she has any complications."

While the doctor spoke with him a nurse helped wake Ara up enough to get her into a wheel chair. She was groggy and slightly giggly but she was able to be conscious enough to move herself and sit up.

descriptionCompleteRe: scratch n dent (pg13)

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