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The Mutant War

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Athena turned to see that same girl is charging back at her with her daggers. "Little fog would be nice, right about now." So be it, thought Athena. She waved her hand and thick fog began to cloud the field. It would be very hard to see anything, if nothing at all. Peter just got his wish. Making a lightning bolt jump from one hand to another, Athena raised her hand in the air. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you, miss. This time, you just might get fried." said Athena, raising her eyebrow and looking at the girl.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

It hurt loika bad inside to Peter hurt, physically or emotionally. She wished she could tell him what was going on but he had to trust her. She needed to go with Neal. Things were never going to get better until they resolved things.

She wasnt expecting him to take off and fly with her. She wasnt a fan of flying be it in a plane or through the air. She tightened her grip on Neal in fear of heights and watched her family dissapear from sight.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Lakai held onto Jason tighter. The fire in her mind was beginning to be too much. She looked around wildly and only let go of Jason long enough to swat at imaginary spiders with one hand then clung to him again. She couldnt stand it. She whimpered pleas of help or to end her suffering.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Mackie ran to daddy and jumped into his arms before he teleported them. She clung to him tightly. She didnt have to hear him say it to know what happened. She lived all of his memories as she put her hand on his face. Mommy was gone. She left them. Mackie was not a cryer. She was always the tough one. This was one of the few times she was breaking down to the little girl she really was. " Mommy left us..." a few tears started to roll and she buried her face in his shoulder.

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"I know, sweetheart," said Peter to Mackie reassuringly. "I'll get her back, don't worry." If Peter only could fly as well. But he wasn't able to. When he saw Lakai clinging to Jason's leg, he quickly approached her in a run, and kicked her in the ribs. Peter didn't care if he was going to die or not, all he wanted was much of vengeance on Brotherhood and everyone involved with it. Peter pulled out one of his nails and just like a dart, threw it at Lakai's palm. She'd have one hell of a time trying to get it out of her. Then, out of sheer rage and anger, Peter continued kicking Lakai. It was all her fault this fight broke out in a first place. Peter figured he'll just take shit from Loika later, if he ever saw her again. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU STUPID BITCH!" yelled Peter as tears finally spilled on his cheeks. He wanted to hurt Lakai more than anything.

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Mackenzie watched as her father attacked her aunt lakai. He was so angry. She looked around for anyone to help and it seemed as though there was no one. She called to Jason telepathically. She stood there like the 5 year old she appeared to be and cried as daddy attacked aunty Lakai. " daddy stop!" She yelled. She just lost her mom she didnt want to loose daddy too.

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Lakai clung to Jason like a child until Peter came after her. She screamed and tried to crawl away but peter kicked her hard in the ribs. Her scream was cut off and she coughed as the wind was knocked out of her. She looked up at Peter in terror. It was almost like she didnt know who Peter was when she looked up at him.

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Jason watched as Peter's anger and rage took hold of him. Jason knew that Peter had anger issues and was very violent at times, but to hit a person who was on a ground, unable to defend herself was just weak. "Peter! ENOUGH!" said Jason as he grabbed Peter and tried to pull him away. He was in fact like a raging bull and no one could stop him. While Jason was mad at Lakai as well, he would never approve of what Peter was doing. He was going to kill Lakai and create more problems for X-Men and others. "Peter, stop! Think of Mackie. You think she'd want you to act the way you do?" he continued as he tried hard to pull Peter away from Lakai.

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Sara had stopped at a coffee shop for her daily fix of coffee. She was walking to her car when some MRD officers were walking down the sidewalk. She ducked into an alleyway and overheard a radio call the officers recieved. Something about a large mutant gathering nearby and that they were sending a couple units to the location. She recognized it and knew that must have been where Jason went.

After they left she quickly made it to her car and rushed to the location ahead of the MRD. She got out of the car quickly and took in the chaos. Lakai was on the ground bleeding and crying, Mackenzie was hysterical, and peter and jason were fighting. She picked up Mackenzie and held her close to soothe her. " We need to get out of here! I just overheard some officers on the way here. The MRD is on its way."

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Peter felt powerful hands wrap around his shoulders as they tried to pull him away. But he would not be stopped now, he has waited for this moment far too long, far too long..and now he will enjoy every minute of it. He has lost all respect for Lakai the day she tried to kill Loika, but he never had any for her to begin with. So, he continued kicking her and yelling obscene things at her as well. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU. YOU STUPID BITCH!" when he was pulled away slightly, Peter wringled out of Jason's arms and stopped in front of Lakai again. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME ANDREWS! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS AS WELL" It wasn't Peter talking anymore but his rage and anger. He was not in control of his emotions. Thinking about Mackie and what she would thought. He didn't want his daughter using her powers on him. It would look very bad.

Then he saw Mrs. Andrews appear on the field. Where the hell was she this entire time. Why didn't she fight along side with X-Men and her students? Was she afraid to break her nails or mess up her hair? Pathetic. When Peter heard that MRD were on their way, he didn't care. He wasn't going to run from anyone anymore, He was done running. No more. If they wanted to stop him, then they will just have to kill him. "I am not running, I am making my stand here TODAY! If they want me dead then so be it. But I am sick of running!"

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Cowering in frozen terror until the fire surrounding Jason and Mackenzie died, Katt slowly straightened herself to stand defiantly next to Mrs. Andrews while others tried to talk Peter down. Peter's loudly voiced opinions were rebuked with a panther-like growl.
"You stay or go. We go!" She snarked in highly adolescent fashion, waving a clawed hand at the remaining X-men team.
Whether or not Katt knew the implications of surrender or defeat on the battlefeild; she at least understood that neither was a real option when dealing with MRD. It was -run- or die trying.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Jason realized who it was when Sara showed up a the field to warn them about the oncoming danger. The M.R.D were on their way and that meant that they could very well stand up against Mutant Response Division team but it would be an unnecessary blood loss and Jason would have liked to avoid that. He looked at Lakai and then Peter as he finally stepped away from her. Jason then turned to look at Shikon. He knew full well that he and the remainder of the mutants from Brotherhood would never outnumber MRD and that's why he had to leave. They weren't surrendering and they weren't running like cowards, Jason just wanted what's best for his students.

"SHIKON! If you haven't heard yet, the M.R.D are on their way to here as we speak. Lakai over here doesn't seem like she'll be able to handle herself if fight breaks out between you and M.R.D, so as a leader you'll have to decide what you wish to do. Because we are leaving. I have offered you help, but you don't seem to need it. Therefore, I bid you farewell." said Jason as he waited for everyone to gather so that he could take them away from this place.

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Shikon watched as all of a sudden Peter was attacking Lakai almost too far away for hiim to reach in time. "Peter you bastard! I'll kill you!" Shikon charged to their location then he saw Jason stopping Peter from attacking Lakai. He heard what Jason had said about the M.R.D. On any other day Shikon would stand and fight to the death, but he didn't want any of his family to die. He walked over to Peter and Jason as welll as some mysterious woman he's never met. "Jason I'm sorry. I should have thought this through more. A leader should always have more than just one plan in mind. Do me a favor though, and I'll even pay you for it. Fix her...Fix Lakai. I know she has done wrong, but I love her. Put yourself in my shoes." Shikon turned to look at Peter "I know you're angry, but if you kill her I'll take everything you've ever loved and destroy it. It wasn't her fault." Shikon smirked as a few tears fell down his face. "Adrienne! Everyone else! Pack up, the M.R.D. are coming and we need to leave now!"

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Lakai laid on her side in the dirt and whimpered/cried softly. She also muttered to herself and recited nursery rimes. Nothing that seemed to make much sense. She didnt seem to be aware of what the others were talking about. She seemed to just be off in her own little world.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Watching the whole affair from a distance, Gavin couldn't help to feel bad. They were all from the same kind. All of them, and somehow, they were fighting each other. Not the true enemies, the men and women out to exterminate them. No. They were just trying to kill each other. Gav was close enough to hear about the M.R.D. He slowly got on his motorcycle. He turned it on, and made his way, as close as he could get, to Jason. He didn't want anyone to be intoxicated by the smoke the motorcycle could create. He spoke in a not so loud voice. Although he was sure Jason would hear it. "Think the M.R.D guys will come soon? I mean... if they do, how are you expecting to take every X-Men out of here?"

Blade asked with curiosity. He was willing to help. Either by carrying someone on his motorcycle, or just whacking some M.R.D guys. Although he was sure there were gonna be many of them. "So Mr. Andrews...what's it gonna be?"

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

"Jackson, Wimshope, Miller, pass on the message that we are moving out to investigate a mutant activity in the area. Get everyone ready and meet us by the trucks. Also, have Jahanson ready the helicopter. Got it?"
"Yes, ma'am." replied everyone.
"OK, go and get ready." said Scarlett as she opened her coat and checked for her gun. It was there and it wasn't going anyone. She pulled it out and checked her rounds magazines. They were almost empty, she needed to reload her guns. Briskly walking to a storage area, Scarlett pulled out a box of ultraviolet bullets. No one who got shot with one of those would be able to stand for too long.

After fifteen minutes, Scarlett was sitting in a helicopter with Jahanson and the rest of her team was following in a vehicles behind. Soon, they were flying to the area where mutant activities were spotted. Scarlett knew she was taking a big gamble with this, but it was her job and she swore to serve and protect humans. Nothing can stop her. Nothing.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Jason didn't know what he was going to do if Peter really decided to stay back, he had no way to handle himself. Seems everyone was getting the message Sara announced to Jason. He turned to look at Shikon, who has finally decided to speak. "I will help her, not because you asked me or offered to pay, but because that's what Charles Xavier would want to do. I don't want your money, all I want is for you to control Lakai and keep your people away from X-Students. Unless of course, you are looking for another fight. Which I highly doubt you are." said Jason. He looked down at Lakai, she was in a worst state he has ever seen her. No one would be able to help her, not even a human cure to get the dark thoughts which have been planted into girl's mind.

Jason then saw another man he has never seen on a bike. He has offered to help them. "You can look after Mackenzie and everyone as they make their way back to Xavier Institute," said Jason to the stranger. "Athena and Sara, please make sure that everyone gets back safely. I've got one more thing to take care of." said Jason turning to look at Peter.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Mackenzie clung to sara tighter. She didnt want to go with the new man. She didnt like him or his thoughts. Tears continued to spill down her cheeks and she cried into Sara's shoulder. It would take an act of god or her parents to pry her free. She was terrified of the MRD and missed her mother already. Daddy was going crazy like aunt lakai so the only stable person for her was Sara.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Sara held mackie in a motherly and comforting way. It wasnt every day that mack showed weakness like this. She must really be scared. She nodded to her husband. She was worried about him too but had to be strong for the kids. " Alright everyone we need to get out of here before the MRD shows up. Move!"

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Fight seemed to be coming to an end as a talk of incoming M.R.D was still going around. She didn't want to be captured by anyone and by the sound of it all. Everyone was leaving, at least the X-Men were. Well, shit...she wasn't going to stick around to find what happens afterwards. She was going to go. "Shikon, we need to take Lakai and get out, she's a freaking mess." said Adrienne as she looked at the girl on a ground. It sure as hell was going to take a lot of mind games to get her to be herself again.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Scarlett was starring out the window as they flew to the designed location. The humans have reported seeing flashes and hearing screams of people. There was nothing she wouldn't do to help the humans. Watching bellow, she saw rest of her team following her. It was going to be great catch. Soon, she was circling above the small group of mutants and the destruction they caused.
"OK, keep her steady." said Scarlett as they began to descend slowly. Mutant trash, filthy creatures. Scarlett jumped out of the helicopter as she pulled out her guns and instantly opened fire on the mutants. The ultraviolet bullets were going to sting and then, they'll finish the job.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Shikon heard the helicopter long before he saw it. As it got closer he feared for everyone. All this petty fighting might be the end of them. He looked at Jason one last time and smiled a meaningful smile. Shikon would hold them off while everyone escaped. He felt the wind of the helicopter hovering over the field. Shikon instinctively threw up a wall of flames around the X-Men and X-Students, as well as his own family.

Shikon didn't have time to protect himself and one of the bullets grazed his side. There he felt burns swelling up. Ultraviolet eh? Well now that isn't very fair for them thought Shikon while he divided his mind keeping the shields up he threw a huge ball of fire out to the helicopter. He saw Scarlett land. "Take it easy trash."

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Lakai was pretty self contained until she saw scarlett. She started to panic and flail about. She let out a loud and frightened scream and tried to back away from scarlett on her butt. She bumped into Shikon's wall of flame and really started to freak. She lept to her feet and tried to run from the flames but she felt surrounded. She got into a crouched position and covered her head with her hands as she babbled loudly things that didnt make sense.

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Scarlett had her determined face on. One that showed no pity or mercy. She hated to shoot all these mutants down, but it was her job and she got paid for protecting humans. Her team came from behind, dragging dust cloud behind their tires. She looked at all the rest of the mutants and stopped shooting, when she saw one got caught by her bullet. As the fireball hit the helicopter, Scarlett felt sorry for her pilot but she couldn't do anything about it. "LISTEN UP, MUTANTS!" she bellowed over the crush of the helicopter. "You will all evict this are and never come here again." said Scarlett, looking at all the strange faces. "If I catch any of you here again, I will not show you any mercy. Do we understand each other? Or do I have to use some special language to get my message into your filthy skulls?"

descriptionCompleteRe: The Mutant War

Shikon kept the flame shields up, but looked Scarlett in the eyes. "Don't worry. I'll kill you soon enough. Take you and your freak humans and stay out of our business." He felt the heat from the helicopter crash wash over him as it hit the ground. Then more of hem pulled up in trucks. "You have no reason to be. So leave."

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