X-Men: World of MutantsLog in

descriptionCompleteChaos is all perspective [R]

Travis considered the cellphone that was violently vibrating in his hand, his father’s name flashing across the screen in the simple black text of the phone, as he considered ignoring it before thinking better of that. Pressing the answer button and pressing the phone to his ear, Travis would let the male say the first words. ”Where are you?” His smooth and somewhat deep voice would question in his usual irritated tone as he waited for Travis to answer his question. He would not be disappointed with silence for long.

”Central Park, I was enjoying the night air. The smooth and rich voice would explain as he telekinetically sliced a leaf in two, watching the neat halves flutter pointlessly to the ground, smirking at the perfection of even the cut. All it took was a thought, and he could affect the very world around him and it was only growing. ”Did you need me for something?” He would ask for clarification, licking his lips as he watched the ripple formed by the bisected leaf spread out along a ponds surface before fading.

”By no means, but you know how your mother can worry.” The voice answered with an even tone, drawing a chuckle from Travis as he stood to his feet mussing up his dirty blond hair.

’No need to worry, I should be home…soon. Give me an hour or so.” He assured with a small smirk before hanging up and looking to the dark dome that was the New York sky. ’Now, what to do with my evening before I make my way back to my…loving family.” He wondered to himself chuckling at the mention of a loving family. He was dressed simply, in dark blue shorts that had the extra pockets to carry extra things, a plaid button up shirt that was unbuttoned revealing the wifebeater underneath. One could say that he was dressed casually and he would not deny it; yet casual worked for such a nice evening.

descriptionCompleteRe: Chaos is all perspective [R]

A girl in black cuttoff shorts and a dark purple hoodie sat on one of the benches with her hood drawn up. She could almost pass as being a street kid. Her body was slender and lean muscled. Her eyes if one could get a glimpse were one blue and one green. She was a beauty if one knew where to look.

She was hungrily eating a sandwhich she had "lifted" from a convinence store nearby. Her stomach growled as the food hit her stomach. She tried to ignore the rich kid on his phone. She had been like him once. Now all of her belongings were in the brotherhood mansion somewhere. She was a rich kid... kinda. She was on the run. There were people out there who wanted her dead.
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