X-Men: World of MutantsLog in

descriptionCompleteCrushing the competition ( R)

Lakai had been searching the city for most of the day. She found out from little underlings that a new group had formed in the city. A group of mutants who though they were hot shit.

Lakai wasnt going to loose the city to a bunch of little punks who thought they were bigger than their shorts. She had been researching the group and eventually put together files on them. The higher up ones were harder to find but some of them were too easy.

She was in the park watching and waiting. Her intel on one of the girls was that she liked to bring books to the park and read. She also liked to listen to her ipod. Stupid. best way to get yourself killed is to make sure you dont hear the enemy coming.

She waited quite a while before she finally found her. The blonde little bitch was reading a leatherbound book. So high and mighty just like her sister.

She shifted to her wolf form and let her clothes fall to the ground. She stalked up to the girl and growled with an evil wolfy grin. " Hello there little red riding hood. Im the big bad wolf. Sorry. Gunna have to close down the Evolution early."

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Arabella was started by a talking wolf. For a moment she was scared she read it out. But the book she was reading didnt have wolves in it. This was a mutant. She kept eye contact with it as she slowly stood up. She was going to have to leave her picnic blanket.

" A'vent the foggiest idear what you are talking about love." She said she slowly slipped her book into her backpack. The two color eyes staring at her were so unnverving. She would only have one chance to make a run for it from this thing. Even then she didnt have much chance against 4 legs. " Where i come from we dont have wolves. We killed them all."

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Lakai snarled at the dead wolf comment. She wasnt as in touch with her wolf side as loika was but she still took offence to it. She watched the girl with full intensity. She was going to enjoy tearing into her delicate looking flesh. The brat's accent made her want to shut her up all the more. 

She stepped closer and snapped her jaws as she growled. She wanted very badly for her to run. Her inner wolf craved the chase. She wanted her to run in fear before she killed her.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Ara was going to have to work fast if she wanted to survive. She kicked out at the wolf and hit it squarely in the nose. While it was momentarily stunned she turned and ran. Whoever this wolf was she didnt want to stay and find out. 

As she ran she flung her backpack over her shoulder. She wished she had a cellphone to call alec or aramis. For now she was too busy running as she can. She was running for one of the busy streets that ran around the park.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Lakai let out a yelp and she felt something crunch in her nose. She wished she had loika's healing ability. Her nose was surely broken. She shook her head and looked up and the little blonde bitch was making a run for it. She snarled and took off after her across the park.

The girl was running into the street. Lakai chased after her. Frightened humans screamed and skattered when they saw the large white wolf running through the crowd. She knocked over a couple of business woman and lept onto a taxi. She scanned around until she saw the girl running through the backed up traffic. She took off after her, leaping from car to car.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Arabella was too scared to look behind her. From the screams she could hear going on the wolf was catching up to her. She could hear the wolf's nails scratching on metal. She looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened in horror. It was running and jumping on cars.

She jumped up on the hood of the closest taxi and started running from car to car. At least they were on the same level. She ran for five or six cars before jumping down and running into an alley. She was frantically trying to think which tattoo she could use as a weapon but she had nothing useful at the moment. She got to the end of the alley and realized it had a very large fence through it. " Fuck."

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Lakai trotted into the entrance of they alley and smirked with a wolfy grin on her muzzle. The little rabbit she was chasing was now cornered with no where to go. She was going to enjoy this. She slowly started walking towards her and growled deep in her throat. " You have bad luck kid. Shouldn't have joined the evolution."

She howled loudly and and lunged for the cornered girl. Her terror was only spurring Lakai's natural predator instinct on.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Arabella let out a scream and turned quickly. She tried to scramble up the fence before the wolf would catch her. Her shoes slipped on the fence. They were no help at all. All of her weight was in her fingers. The metal hurt as she tried  to pull herself up. It didnt hurt half as bad as when the wolf bit her ankle and pulled. Its sharp teeth dug into her skin and she screamed again. She wasnt a huge fan of dogs. She was actually kind of scared of them since one of the queen's corgis bit her.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Perhaps it was right in time. Perhaps he sprung to early. But either way...he was going to enjoy this. Aramis noticed Arabella running, and a wolf chasing her. Truthfully Aramis never really knew what to expect from wolves. He would have just assumed that the wolf was playing games, but that look on it's face and the sudden rush of pain that he detected coming from Arabella's alleyway didn't rest his weary mind. He bolted of in that direction and in an instant with Arabella in sight, he removed all pain she was feeling. The wolf on the other hand...he was going to enjoy this.

   His hand rose up as he walked down the alleyway. The wolf would be put into the pain it inflicted upon Arabella. It perhaps appeared as if he had taken from Arabella and implanted into the wolf. But that wasn't the case. He took from Arabella, and induced new pain into the wolf, both sources feeding him, sustaining him. Unfortunately for the poor wolf, his pain was not hindered by physiology, it didn't matter if she had adamantium skin...she would still suffer. "Not going to lie... I always wished I could have been part of "The Hunt" that got rid of you pesky beasts." Aramis said, his accent thick, but his attempts to Americanize were present as he stood there in a black trench coat, black jeans and black gloves. "Even beasts feel pain... so you are no better than the last idiot who tried my patience." He reminisced on the man who tried to mug him not all that long ago. He measured the wolf a moment, if it had a higher pain tolerance, guess who was getting amped up a bit? Spoiler alert...the wolf was.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Lakai felt intense pain and radiate through her body. She instantly let go of the weakling and let her fall to the ground. She yelped and shifted back to her human form.

Upon shifting she was now naked. She stood over the bleeding girl. She was in so much pain that she started to laugh. Lakai knew she was a fucked up pup. She grabbed the girl by her hair and put a hand on the girl's face. She smirked. " Interesting power she has here. I have my own little tricks. i touch your skin and i have your powers for a while. I could make her forget you. I could make her forget her own fucking name. Or... i could make her remember. Always."

She put her hand on Ara's face again and laughed. She used the borrowed power and a tattoo appeared on Ara's leg right over the bite. It was a tattoo that looked like a wolf bite scar. " You will always remember the terror of today little one. You will always fear the canine species. ALWAYS."

She shifted back to her wolf form. She was hovering over the girl. She grinned a wolfy grin at Aramis. And poised to bite ara's throat. Her body however was racked with imense amounts of pain. It was borderline maddening if she wasnt insane already. " Shes only the first. Ill kill all of you." She lunged for ara's throat.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Ara laid on the ground thinking nothing but of the pain as the wolf's teeth sawed into her ankle. It was blindingly painful. Then suddenly the pain was gone. She could feel the wolf's teeth still in her flesh but it didnt hurt.

She looked up and saw aramis standing in the alley. She looked at him with a confused look. Was she in shock? Was he a side affect? Then the wolf wasnt a wolf at all and she was grabbing ara's hair fiercely and touching her face. EW a naked chick was touching her. She understood though when they made contact. She was a power thief. That was about the time the pain of a tattoo burned into her ankle. That was when she remembered every dog that ever frightened her and whimpered very softly.

She spoke of terror and death but Ara couldnt get over how fierce the girl looked. She couldnt be much older than Ara herself. She could feel her blood boil when she threatened Aramis. Then she was a wolf again and lunging for Ara. Ara screamed again and covered her eyes. Welcome to New York. Where no one hears you scream.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Aramis held out his hand and instantly pain filled Lakai, her brain shooting out neuropathic energies and overwhelming the body. The pain was overriding the brain and ultimately it forced a shut down of motor functions. Right now her body should slump over and be totally catatonic. Able to breathe, able to understand everything that was going on. But unable to do anything that required higher body or mental function. The amount of pain she was in right now was equating to the feeling of nothing. He had utterly and entirely overloaded her brain and her pain receptors too. There would have been a huge pain that subsided and now she could not move. Aramis walked over with a foot shoved Lakai off of Arabella before looking to Arabella with an arched eyebrow and a smirk, as if asking her if she were okay. He then walked over and squatted down next to Lakai as he looked at her, same arched eyebrow and a sweet smile as he shook his head. "Arabella go walk it off." He said as he looked back to Lakai.

    "First of all, love. I don't care if she remembers me or not. But I am curious as to WHY you'd attack Evolution." Aramis said as he reached down with a gloved hand and moved a strand of hair out of her face and smiled. He licked his lips as he began to look puzzled as sighed. "Evolution's not the enemy. The Humans are. This is your territory? Fine. Keep it. We aren't here to be your enemy. We're here to be your friend... your ally. We are powerful, just like you are. We are numerous, just like you are. We hate humans and the M.R.D... just like you do." He said as he smiled ever so sweetly, but the eyes were the eyes of a sadist, a sociopath. The unremarkable yet somehow entrancing hazel orbs looked to Lakai's and nodded with a satisfied smile. "We even have all the information and direct access to the X-men. We can do it a LOT safer than you can too. Running to big sister and playing her can be revealing to both you and her. Us? Untraceable. They never know we've been there. Believe me...we've been there too. We even have the M.R.D scoop on you and your group...but they have nothing on us. We're not the enemies... we are the dagger beneath the cloak. We will strike and when we do... it's with deadly precision, aimed at YOUR enemies. We aren't the enemy, so don't MAKE us the enemy... eh?" He chuckled as he took out a little slip of paper and took out a pen from his pocket and wrote down a number on it. It has his number, untraceable to even the M.R.D thanks to Synchronize's mutation. He placed it in her hand and folded her hand over so she were clasping the note.

    "I can't let you well get off on hurting my associates. While they might not always be the toughest they have their uses. Need her to kill a professor. I'll uh... I'll go easy on ya eh? First time and all." He said with a wink as he stood up and walked away towards Arabella, emotional pain wracking Lakai, tormenting her as she could recall every terrible memory she had, and all the pain she felt could pour through her, leaving her to be emotionally wrecked all over again. He walked up to Arabella and held a finger to his lips, to tell her to stay quiet as he offered her a hand up.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

All of the air left ara when a heavy weight landed on top of her. She waited for the bite that never came. She was huddled against the fence. She felt the weight leave her. She could hear aramis talking but his voice didnt sound right to her. This was a different aramis than she grew up playing with.

She heard aramis tell her to leave but her legs refused to obey her. She instead closed her eyes tight and tried to pretend she wasnt listening to what aramis was saying to the girl. Her hair hid her face like a blonde curtain.

She looked up when she heard him walking towards her. He offered her a hand. She was still pretty scared but she slowly put her hand in his and let him help her to a standing position. Since she saw him do that would he kill her too? He just said he didnt care about her. 

As soon as she was standing she backed up against the fence quickly. Her packpack was pressed against her back. Her hair still hung in her face and she avoided looking him in the eye. She quickly and nervously blurted out, "why did you take my pain-doesnt pain get yer off." Her rolling stones tshirt was dirty and her skinny jeans were badly ripped. Her bitten ankle was pretty bad looking but the injury itself wa nots worth a hospital vyisit. She slowly looked up at him and braced herself.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Lunging for the girl she felt like she hit a wall. She couldnt move and landed on top of her. The smartass boy moved her off of her and she shifted back to her human for. She laid on her side. She was pale and naked as the little shit talked to her. 

She whined like an animal in pain and occationally her body gave an involuntary little jerk or spasm. It felt like her brain was fucking exploding and leaving shrapnel in her head. She gritted her teeth intil she thought she would brewk her teeth. The blonde had already broken her nose. This would not Go unpunished. 

She managed a growl when he touched her hair and her hand. He was goin to suffer when she had control of herself. If she ever did. She had to. She was trying to concentrate on what he was saying but her body was in so much pain. He was offering her a chance. Fuck that. She wouldnt submit to another man. 

Another round of pain hit but this time it was emotional. Most of it was memories of her bitch mother. Loosing her sister back when she cared. Every time she used her body to get what she wanted. Bad drug trips. She couldnt muster much more than a groan. She used her free hand and dug her nails into the cement. Her skin bleeding on her fingertips from the force.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

He wanted her to specifically NOT pay attention to that part concerning the whole "I don't care" portion but at this point it really didn't matter to him. He just wanted to be home. By home of course he meant back at the Evolution manor with the rest of the gang. He rolled his eyes and sighed as he tugged on Arabella's arm, as if trying to coerce her into coming along with him. Knowing wolf bitch she probably had some form of wolf hearing. He placed a finger to his lips telling Arabella to give it a moment. He knew all too well that people with the temperament of a wolf had a vengeance. He wanted NOTHING to be divulged in front of her and he most certainly wouldn't explain himself to Arabella here. He'd just as soon leave her standing here because in all honesty that was safer for her. He sighed and mouthed the words I will explain as he twitched his head out towards the open public, where it was safe to talk.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

Arabella flinched at first when he grabbed her arm. She though he was going to hit her for smarting off to him. Instead no strike came. She nodded silently and looked past him at the wolf which made her heart beat faster.

He was walking away and without her. She stepped around the girl quickly. She picked up her journal she dropped and shoved it back into her pack as she followed Aramis back out onto the city street. The public was none the wiser. She hated this city.

descriptionCompleteRe: Crushing the competition ( R)

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