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descriptionCompleteNew Doggy - (PG-13)

Bruce ran into his room and shut the door after himself. Then he locked it so no one would dare to break into his room. He set the dog on a ground and watched her. "You are so beautiful." he said to Goldie. He then reached out and patted the dog in the most gentlest way possible. "Poor girl, everyone wants to hurt you, but don't worry I won't let them. Not as long as I am around." said Bruce, as he continued to pat the dog. Smoothing its silk-like fur.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

Charles knocked at Bruce's door and walked in without waiting for Bruce grant him permission to enter. The dog automatically began to growl and show it's white teeth. Charles, looked at the dog. "You can stop pretending." he said telepathically. Then Charles turned to Bruce. "I always knew you cared for dogs and animals. But this," he pointed at Kahlan. "this isn't a dog. Her name is Kahlan Amnell and she is from brotherhood." said Charles. He tried to break into her mind, but it was difficult. Something was blocking him out of it.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

Kahlan continued growling and showing her teeth. Until she gave up, turning back to her old self. She sarcastically clapped her hands. "Well, well, well, aren't you smart, Charles. Just so you know, it's not over I'll be back." she said, turning to Bruce. She touched his face. "Don't feel too bad Brucy, you didn't know. You would have never known if it wasn't for this fool!" she pointed at Xavier.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

Yoshabel rounded the corner and stood behind Xavier, "I knew you weren't a real dog!!" She drew her katanas and moved to attack the Brotherhood member.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

Charles put his hand in front of Yoshabel. "Peace!" he said, loudly. "We are the X-Men, we don't kill. We save." Looking at Kahlan. "Leave now, before I change my mind and let Yoshabel put you out of your misery. he said, eying her.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

Bruce turned to mist and slid under her feet and stood beside Professor X. He turned back to himself again. "Don't. Ever. Touch. Me. Again." he said in short breaks. Knowing that Professor would protect him, Bruce turned to Yoshabel. "I feel so stupid, Yosh, I am sorry for not believing you at first. I am sorry I dismissed your instincts so quickly." said Bruce, regretfully. He really felt like a real fool now standing beside her. All he thought was ripping her apart, but he knew professor X would never allow it. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM, NOW!" he yelled out at her.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

Yoshabel lowered her weapons slightly and backed off like the Professor wanted. He was right, of course, X-Men never kill only save. But she was hoping he would let her kill this Brotherhood spy because if you mess with Yoshabel Everheart's friends or family, you WILL pay.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

Kahlan looked around and noticed that window in Bruce's room was wide open. Gret escape route, she thought. Instantly she turned to a hawk and fluttered her wings. She circled in a room couple of times and then flew out the window into the sunset. Stupid, Xavier had to ruin my fun, as she flew away.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

Yoshabel put her katanas away and turned to go back to the Sensor Web and maintain a complete suveillance of the estate, mostly to keep an eye on the younger students and Professor X.

"I'm heading back to Sensor Web if anyone needs me." she said irritatedly and began walking down the hall with her fists clenched in agrivation.

descriptionCompleteRe: New Doggy - (PG-13)

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